Monday, 22 July 2013

Where am I?

Such a good question when your belongings are in storage and you are back living with your parents. Even my classroom bits are in storage at the moment, ready for my classroom that doesn't currently exist! Next year, Year 5 will be in what is currently the hall so instead of my amazing view across London, I shall be in the underbelly of the school with a classroom adjacent to the playground (I'm thinking get out there as much as possible!)It is being split over the summer holidays into three classrooms, one of which will be used as a dining hall until the rest of the school is ready. Even though we've been told that the school will be ready in November, I can hardly believe that it will ever happen.

So a lot of turmoil at the moment! Everything in boxes. Bloody parcel taped up to the eyeballs. We did get contracts to sign today which is such a relief. Hopefully, we will be able to exchange by this Friday and get into our new house next week. It's very difficult being apart from P for so long. I know it's a maximum of two nights apart but it's really weird not having him around. I miss my kits too. Harley really isn't coping with the change and has become skin and bone. Jezzie is her usual doofus self, pottering around until Ruby turns up and offers her Starburst sweets!

We got another fur baby...

This is Max. He's a Sprollie (Springer dad and a Collie mum) which equals to a lot of complete lunacy! He is an incredibly intelligent pup and already at 13 weeks, he can sit, give his paw, roll over, lie down and leave a biscuit until he is told he can have it. On the other hand, he does like a good temper tantrum when he's over excited or over tired! We have him signed up to this dog training place. It seems really cool- they have all the normal puppy training classes run by an ex-police dog handler and then they have a fenced in grassy area and a fenced in wooded area so that you can recall train your dog.

Yes, obviously he's a replacement baby.

My due date for August is coming up soon. I hope it'll be like the others where I can just shed a couple of tears and be done with it. I'm dreading the October due date as my work colleague is due a week later, only she'll get to hold her baby and we won't. In regards to the Royal baby, I've been really trying hard to stay away from the news over the past couple of weeks but it's bloody hard when everyone else is celebrating so vociferously on every type of news and social media site. I've been asked by a few people about where we're at with everything at the moment and whilst we haven't been careful, I have felt sheer relief with the periods that came. Until this last one. I was late. A few warning signs were there and then, BOOM! Now, I am wracked with an irrational fear that the four pregnancies that have happened were it. They were my chances of having a baby and my body blew it each time. Complete lunacy, I agree but when you are high on baby crack, all you see are stories about women over the age of 30 having horrendous quality eggs (and when yours are genetically screwed...) or about declining fertility due to washing your hair, eating stuff out of plastic containers or generally being alive.

Just desperate for a bit of normality in one area of my life. School or home, I don't mind. Just a bit of consistency somewhere please?!

To end on a happy note, here are more puppy pictures: